A man is an interesting and mysterious creature: at first he showed interest and sympathy, and now he ignores and pretends not to notice. Or, it happens, the girl feels that the guy is not indifferent, but his behavior stubbornly suggests otherwise.

Why does a man ignore the woman he loves, can he love and ignore at the same time? There may be several reasons.


Men are the same people as women, they tend to experience similar feelings. Put yourself in his place.

Suppose you have three male colleagues at work, one of whom you like a lot. You have tickets for a concert (football, theater, opera).

You can safely come up and invite a colleague who is indifferent to you to go to an event with you. Refused?

Well, it's okay, you easily offer to keep you company to another colleague for whom you do not have any feelings.

Now imagine that you need to approach a third person with whom you sympathize or are secretly in love with this proposal. You do not sleep at night, scroll through the phrases in your head, select the right words and, as a result, do not dare to approach. And why? You are afraid that you will be rejected.

That's guys are just as afraid of rejection, afraid to seem ridiculous. This is one of the reasons why a guy ignores a girl he likes, and it is called timidity, fear of rejection, shyness.

There are suspicions that your boyfriend has another? there is an answer to the question of how to find out if a guy is cheating, by what signs to determine this.

All about the rejuvenation procedure that will help provide a tightening of the skin and muscles of the face - RF-lifting: price, reviews, indications for use.

Deliberate ignorance

There is a psychological trick- alternating good with bad. This technique is annoying, it can even bring a girl in love to hysterics.

It actually looks like this: a person behaves like perfection itself for several days - calls, is interested in business, tells his news, asks for advice, plans joint walks, and then “disappears” for several days.

He just stops calling, and reluctantly answers your calls, pretends that he has no time or that he has been swallowed up by worries, but he doesn’t completely repel him, he just changes his attitude.

You don’t understand what’s the matter, why he either shows interest or ignores, all such an affectionate, charming man turned into a silent man, get angry, offended, give yourself a word never to communicate with him again, or at least not to call first.

But after a few days there is a "return"- he again showers you with compliments and invites you on dates. Everything, you melted, became even more attached to him.

If some men do such things consciously - they deliberately ignore a woman (naturally, you), then others - unconsciously: what does this mean, how to behave in this situation?

Other girl

Men are not always honest. A woman, after unambiguous hints of sympathy or even a couple of dates, is waiting for the continuation of the relationship, and the ignoble gentleman simply disappears.

Often the reason for this is the presence in his life of a permanent partner.

And flirting is flirting, and not everyone decides to cheat on his wife, and when the relationship goes far, the man withdraws.

If you did not know in advance about the presence of a spouse, then it is impossible to avoid such a development of events.

If they began to ignore you, try to find out about the marital status of your boyfriend and, if the presence of a wife is confirmed, forget about him like a bad dream.


Men shun obsessive ladies, and those, in turn, love to control everything.

If you constantly call, bombard with messages, try to fill all his time with yourself, then the person will most likely want to take a break in the relationship. The more you make contact, the more he will move away.

Remember: even if people love each other, they do not have to be around every minute. Women who do not have any interests of their own get bored very quickly.

Go about your business, plan your leisure time without the participation of a fan. You will see that ignoring him will remove him as if by hand.

Do you know how a gradient manicure is done? Stylish and original ideas with photos.

Have you fallen in love with a guy under the sign of Gemini? how to attract his attention, and how Gemini men in love behave in a relationship.

freedom lover

All men are very sensitive to their freedom, and some even too much. If you come across one of them, and you see that talking about marriage, children, a tree planted and a house built, terrifies him - do not rush things.

Do not tell that you have planned your life together for 45 years ahead and are already choosing names for your grandchildren. Such a prospect will frighten him, and he will try to disappear.

Present yourself as an independent, male-dominated lady who doesn't care if this random guy stays with her or not. That's when he he won't let you take a step without his accompaniment.

If you know this line from your fan's biography, then don't be offended by his pause, let's think it over carefully, weigh all the pros and cons, but in the event of his return, do not let this happen again.

Sometimes the reason why a man starts to ignore the woman he likes lies on the surface, but she does not want to see her.

Compliments were a sign of politeness, smiles were a manifestation of good mood, admiring glances were caused by your beautiful appearance and that’s all, nothing more.

He was not going to start a relationship with you, but the fact that he likes you - you came up with yourself.

There are two ways out of this situation:

  1. The first: sit down and think about the signs on which you decided that a man feels sympathy for you.
  2. Second: play all-in and ask him if he has any feelings for you.

In some cases, the use of the second method makes a man look at a woman with different eyes, and even if before that he did not think about you, then after such a question he will definitely think.

And it began in 2016, when Alena Zvyagina, a 25-year-old resident of Veliky Novgorod, received a personal message on the VKontakte network.
Alena is an athlete and a beauty with a good education and work, at that time she lived with her parents and was free from love relationships. The letter was sent to her by an unknown man named Leonid. Judging by the message, he was sure that he had known Alena since 2008. Lenya asked the girl where she had gone and how she was doing.

Alena was surprised and replied that he had confused her with someone, they definitely did not know each other. That didn't stop Lena. He decided that the beauty was just filling her worth. Leonid even showed a photo of a blonde with a parachute, assuring that it was his interlocutor in the picture.
- I really once went in for parachuting, but then I left it due to health problems. However, it wasn't me in Leonid's photo. Some kind of girl. I can only guess that he was looking for his friend on the net and leafing through photos of similar Novgorod cities. He saw me with a parachute and decided that he had finally found me, - Alena later explained during the investigation.

And yet, Zvyagina's assurances did not convince Leonid. He decided that for some reason the girl did not confess to an old acquaintance. And after some time he began to write to Alena again.
Zvyagina became curious about who communicates with her with such amazing persistence. They even agreed to meet. But Alena could not come on a date, and then she ended up in the hospital. Correspondence with Leonid seemed fascinating to her, and she called him to meet him in the hospital hall, where relatives and friends came to visit patients.

I saw a huge man, much taller than me. He had a beard and long hair. I was even frightened by his appearance, - Alena admitted to her friend in correspondence after the first meeting, - It seems like a cute conversation, they talked about everything. He promised to come tomorrow.

True, the next day the meeting seemed to the girl even more strange and even less exciting. The man immediately told her that he has a hobby: he makes girls fall in love with him, and then leaves them.
Alena was wary, outwardly he did not seem to her the one with whom she would be ready to fall in love, in conversations she kept neutral topics, and when at the end of the meeting he tried to kiss her, she recoiled and said that she would not want to meet a young man of such appearance.
Lenya returned home distressed. In the afternoon, his mother saw how her son was going on a date with a girl she did not know. Then he was inspired, and suddenly such a change!

- The son said that a certain Alena asked him to shave off his beard, cut his hair and go in for sports, otherwise he was too fat for her. I advised him not to meet this girl again. After all, she is not able to appreciate him for who he is. Lenya, it seemed to me, agreed with me, - Leonid's mother told the investigator a few months later.
According to the woman, her son has always been an unusual child. As a child, he was sick a lot, and therefore his parents could not take him to the garden. At school, he did not get along with the guys. The children turned out to be cruel to the home boy with noticeable fullness. He received a secondary technical education, by the age of 29 he worked as a loader. Lenya did not have a permanent girlfriend or close friends. He still lived with his mother. It happened that the neighbors complained about the man to the local police because of the noise and loud music in his apartment. Leonid was looking for an outlet in dating and correspondence with people on social networks. There he had friends and girlfriends.

From the social network "VKontakte" with Irina, Lenya shared his thoughts and fantasies.
“I really liked this Alena,” he wrote to Ira. She is so small, so pretty. It is clear that all "mine". She pretends she doesn't like me, but I'll get her! She loves extreme sports, apparently she likes thrills. I arrange them for her. It turns me on when a girl does not immediately give in and resists.
Alena, he continued to write sms and messages on the network. The girl answered them neutrally, not wanting to seem rude. For Leonid, it looked as if the beauty knew her own worth and wanted to be pursued more persistently. And Lenya tried. Moreover, he began to study on the Internet the question of how to rape a woman.

- I received messages on my phone that he found out where I live and work. He sent me photos of me leaving the house in the morning or returning from sports. The pictures were taken early in the morning from the entrance of my house or late in the evening. He figured out which apartment I live in and where my windows are. He wrote to me at night, standing near my house and fantasizing what I was doing now. I blocked the phone numbers from which the messages came. But they came from other numbers, - Alena said during the investigation.
The girl's parents were alarmed. First, someone twisted the license plates near their daughter's car, then obscene notes appeared on the walls of the entrance and on the door of their apartment interspersed with drawn and pasted paper hearts. - My daughter has always been an exemplary girl: she studied well, never smoked, never drank, went in for sports. She had good friends and girlfriends. One day she said that she was being pursued by a strange man whom she had seen twice in her life. He follows her and demands a meeting. He twisted the license plates of the car so that she would personally come for them, Alena's dad told the investigator.

The girl believed that sooner or later Lenya would fall behind her if his encroachments were ignored.
Lenya regarded Zvyagina's behavior differently. On February 1, 2017, Zvyagina was returning home from sports. It was already late, around 10 pm. She entered the entrance and took the elevator to her floor. But as soon as the elevator doors began to open, Alena was pushed back into the cabin by a man's hand. Leonid appeared in the opening, entered the elevator and pressed the button to close the doors. According to Alena, he tried to kiss her and convince her that he loved her very much and that she couldn’t find anyone better than him. He grabbed the girl and began to undress her. Alena tried to resist, but the man was a head and a half taller than her and twice as heavy. At some point, the elevator doors opened, and Lenya dragged his victim out of the cab onto the open balcony of the high-rise building. To keep her from escaping, he held her by the scarf, squeezing her neck.
“I decided that now the most important thing is to shout loudly so that the neighbors can hear,” Alena admitted during the investigation.
Her calculation was correct. Audibility in the panel house was excellent. Neighbor Larisa Mikhailova and her son, being in their apartment, distinguished screams and fuss on a public balcony, jumped out onto the site and saw a huge man who squeezed a little girl in a corner.

“I asked what was happening here, and the man seemed to be frightened. Moved away from the victim, she was suffocating. It was dark, and I did not immediately recognize my neighbor Alena. The man said that this is his girlfriend, they just quarreled and now they need to talk. Alena pushed him away and asked to call the police, shouting that she was not his girlfriend, Mikhailova told the investigator.
Other neighbors began to come out onto the site, then Leonid quickly ran down the stairwell. Larisa Mikhailova took the girl to her apartment. She could hardly stand on her feet from fear. After the rapist wrapped a scarf around her throat and squeezed, she could not breathe normally. Her parents took her home. They decided that now they themselves will see off and meet their daughter from work.
Already in the morning, Alena, having gone out to her car, found it all covered with adhesive tape. There were again hearts and inscriptions on the glasses: curses were mixed with declarations of love and assurances that Alena was intended for Leonid. While the girl was inflating the tires and peeling off the adhesive tape from the car, Leonid appeared next to her. He attacked her, hitting her face several times, and then again tried to rape her right on the street, tearing the clothes under the down jacket. Passers-by literally tore him away from the girl. He ran away, but immediately turned on his phone to record a video of Alena screaming and swearing at him.

The girl ran away. Then she received a text message: "I will kill you, or we will die together so that no one gets you."
Alena went to the police. There was already plenty of evidence that Leonid in his encroachments crossed all the boundaries of reason. But the man came at night and rang the intercom, turned on the audio recording of Alena's cries for help that evening when he attacked her in the elevator. He followed her through the streets. Once he ran up and tore off her hat from her head, took her with him.
The actions of the possessed Leonid were already covered by the criminal code. When they came to the man with searches, he found a lot of video materials, judging by which he followed Alena almost around the clock.

“I only saw him six times in my life. And four times out of them, he either attacked me, or I saw that he was filming me,” the girl said during the investigation.
The persecution stopped only at the moment when Leonid was arrested. The man assured that Alena was his old friend. It was she who demanded dates, constantly called him and wanted meetings. He did not admit his guilt in the persecution of a little-known girl, attempts to rape her.
However, on June 4, 2018, the Novgorod District Court sentenced him to 6 years in prison. Leonid is currently appealing against this verdict.
(All the names of the participants in the events have been changed, - Ed.)

Imagine how simple and boring our life would be if we knew how to read other people's thoughts, like the heroes of a fairy tale by Gianni Rodari, in whom every unspoken word appeared on their foreheads.

The poor fellows were doomed to wear hats all their lives in order to keep at least some intrigue.

Although sometimes it is precisely this simplicity that is oh so lacking in life - how, for example, to understand that a woman is in love with you, but carefully and deliberately hides her feelings?

Once you look - sparks from the eyes, once again - emptiness.

And friends, and not, and you won’t ask directly, because it’s desirable to step on the throat of your own pride when there is strong evidence that yes, you like it.

In this article, you will find 20 arguments, after which you can safely proceed to the candy-bouquet period, if the sympathy is mutual.

And immediately advice: do not believe that there are universal keys to understanding women's intentions and actions.

And not at all because women themselves do not know what they want. It's just that each person is different.

Open girls show feelings more actively.

Modest representatives of the caste, on the contrary, dig into the depths of the subconscious and are silent in a rag, hoping that you yourself will think of it in some magical way known to them alone.

Therefore, in addition to, you will have to rely on the power of intuition.

Advice: and very bad news. 45% of girls admitted that they would never make the first step in a relationship. While she waits by the sea for the weather, you will have to take the initiative in your own hands.

All girls show their feelings in different ways.

And now 20 points to better understand how to understand that a girl is in love, but hides her feelings:

How does she behave

1. She looks at you differently.

You cannot explain the origin of this look, but you feel that it is different. There's tension in the air when it's aimed at you, and it makes both of you uncomfortable.

2. She lets you touch her.

Embrace at a meeting, kiss on the cheek, take by the hand.

If you want to make sure that a girl is in love with you, do a little test when you meet and touch her hair. If she doesn't like you, this behavior will anger her.

When you're around you feel the tension in the air

3. She gets nervous when you are around

Corrects, twists a curl around your finger, looks away when you look into your eyes, answers inappropriately even to the simplest questions and may blush because of a trifle.

It's all because she cares about you, mate.

4. She communicates less with friends and tries to find any reason to communicate with you.

Because during the period of falling in love, our whole world closes on the object of feelings and desires.

She wants to be with you all the time

The writer Francoise Sagan, whose amorousness is legendary, put it this way:“Love can sometimes be defined as the desire to share everything with one person.”

However, this does not apply to the topic of your fan's personal life at all.

The girl's stories about the former with a deepening into the topic, who is right, who is wrong, and with intimate details will help not to understand that a woman is in love, but hides her feelings, but to understand that you have already been assigned a corner in the friend zone.

A young lady in love will always create an ideal image, from whichever side you look, and pretend that she has never met such amazing men before you.

She tries to be perfect. And a little old fashioned

5. She regularly makes me jealous

And arranges demonstrations on how men like it and what crowds of fans sleep on the rug at her door.

To let you know that the diamond can slip. However, this item is relevant depending on the nature.

A coward girl will just beat around the bush and sigh with a face full of hopeless sadness and drive away other gentlemen, leaving you a chance.

6. She is jealous of you

Even if you're not dating, see each other for the third time in your life, and you said that you like Emma Stone.

The female ability of strange men, if they like them, is simply amazing.

She doesn't like being around other women

Be prepared that there will be no stone left unturned from Emma's appearance. And from other Hollywood divas too.

She's too much

7. She remembers everything

Even André Maurois said that the most amazing memory is a woman in love.

It does not contain second-rate information when it comes to the subject of sighing. Therefore, if you yourself remember what you said, you can check how her memory is comprehensive and bottomless.

A girl in love can retell not only books and films that you like, but also your dialogues almost by heart.

And also your inadvertent revelations, stories about exes, match schedules for your favorite team, the winners of Wimbledon in 1993, if you, unfortunately for her, are a tennis fan.

She wants to know everything about you

8. She pretends to be interested

Watch football, talk about bitcoins, discuss why constant beatings in causal places do not affect James Bond's sexual activity.

She goes to Star Wars with you to watch Jedi, although she has no idea if they are people or yoga poses.

Advice: the most difficult thing is to figure out if a girl likes you if she is quiet and modest. You can ask your girlfriend or sister, but we do not give you any guarantee that the conversation will remain a secret. Although, maybe it's for the best.

9. She's ready to stuff all the food in the world into you.

A girl in love immediately attacks your stomach. If you work together, he endlessly treats you with his buns.

If you communicate in a company, bring them there.

If you just find yourself at the same table, he says that he “adds a grated apple to such a salad.” It is important for her that you understand that she is in the universe.

You must understand that she is the best hostess

10. She is interested in all areas of your life.

Plans for the future, relationships with parents, daily habits, favorite foods, the amount of sugar in coffee.

As long as she likes you, she is ready to listen to your stories about herself for hours. So, if you have long wanted to speak out, the hour has struck.

But remember: if you plan to make a fan your girlfriend, you will have to filter the revelations. No one will guarantee that in the future the young lady will not use some facts against you.

11. She worries about you

Even if you don’t know each other well or just work together, one of the first calls to find out how you feel in case of illness. And certainly the first to wish you a happy birthday.

She is worrying

12. She jokes with you

And it doesn't happen very well. If a girl is not ready to confess her feelings, it is important for her that you do not guess either, which is why she behaves childishly stupid.

13. She laughs at your jokes.

Even if you are not a stand-up star, and friends say that you have a specific sense of humor.

Most likely, she doesn’t find it funny either, she just sees something more in you than a bad comedian.

She likes your jokes (not really)

She is always there

You meet her at a basketball game between two local teams. If you think it's a coincidence, don't even think about it.

You better not know how much effort it took her to find out all your favorite places.

14. She grabs attention in every possible way.

At this point, how to understand that a girl is in love, but hides her feelings, and all male opinions converge at all.

She is always by your side

She will ask you to fix the computer, deal with the smartphone, repair the outlet and endlessly drink tea.

If you work in the same team, it will support all your conversations at work.If the topic is exhausted, he will find a turn that will lead the conversation in a new direction.

At the party, she will tend to stay close so that you notice how dazzlingly beautiful she is tonight.

15. She supports any initiative

If a girl does not act as a toastmaster in a company, but is the first to respond to your offer to go to nature, go to a water park, arrange a cosplay of the Suicide Squad or go to an exhibition of the national economy, she is not indifferent to you, do not even hesitate.

She listens to you

16. She is always by your side

In any dispute or conflict, when you yourself feel that you are wrong, she supports you, and not common sense.

Don't be surprised, scientists have long proven what makes us dumber.

Meet and don't meet

17. She is in no hurry to introduce you to her friends.

No, not because he is shy, but because he is afraid that suddenly you will like one of them.

You still do not regard her as your girlfriend, which means that the chance is too great that you will switch your attention to someone from her environment. So understand and forgive.

She hopes to learn more from your friends

18. But she is happy to meet your friends

To know more about you. Therefore, if among them there are dubious characters, it is better to wait.

19. She shows an increased interest in your person in the social. networks

One of the safest ways to understand that a girl is in love, but hides her feelings, is to analyze her style of communication by correspondence.

She responds very quickly to your messages, regularly leaves likes and comments under all posts. After each proposal, he begins to flirt, but does not do this in real life.

Not surprising. It takes a lot less courage to get started than it does to actually approach you.

She's online all the time

20. She ignores you

Do you think we contradict ourselves? And here it is not. Invite her somewhere after all the described points match, and the puzzle in your head will be formed.

Do you know what she will answer you? Of course no. And then for a few days it will disappear from view and will not appear online, but it was intended that way.

First, it is important for her to make sure that you can. And secondly, you should not decide that she is easy prey.

So start getting bored.

21. And the last: her behavior can hardly be called consistent

Attacks of excessive activity alternate with absolute apathy.

Either she does everything so that you notice her, then she goes into the shadows, while endlessly changing her mind.

It’s just that the girl doubts the correctness of her behavior and tries to find a way for everything to work out by itself. Urgently think over the option "by itself".

Sometimes she's like Scarlett O'Hara

If you have matched more than half of the points - congratulations. She definitely likes you.

It's time to run for a bouquet, if the sympathy is mutual.

In the article you will find several signs that will easily betray a man in love with you.

A useful hint on how to understand that a woman is in love with you, but carefully hides her feelings, will be this video:

Dear ladies! This text is written by a cynic and misanthrope. I love smart women, I hate those who at the university liked to repeat "I will never need this", and I calmly treat those to whom Gd did not give brains. I am for the equality of men and women, so I will definitely write something indecent and even cruel. Yes, yes, as if you were men. Therefore, if you like how your eyes are made up today, do not read this text further.

I will not answer for all men. No matter what they write on women's forums, no matter what girlfriends offended by life tell in smoky kitchens, we are very different. And we need not "one" at all, and not even "two". I already know. Otherwise, we would not argue with each other every day in search of the truth, which everyone has their own. They wouldn’t troll each other on the Internet, they wouldn’t kill each other in duels. And at the fronts, probably, they would not have been killed either. We would agree. And they would all hunt together. On you, women with brains and without.

However, it is quite possible that we would simply lie under the palm trees and wait for a coconut to fall nearby. But why this subjunctive mood?

I will answer for myself. I love smart women. But a man is not alive alone by Brodsky. I also love sex.

Just in case, I’ll clarify: it’s not written above that I love only smart women and sex.

A smart woman and sex are opposite poles of a magnet. If a smart woman understands that she wants a man, she does not pretend that he is not interested in her. She goes to him, and ... More likely yes than no.

And yes, a smart woman can change her mind. No offense here.

The less brain a woman has, the more time and effort is spent on the road. The modules "Brodsky", "this is not accepted", "where are the rings", "what will he think of me", etc. are connected. He will think the same. But he will be happy. And you, dear woman, will be happy. And if so, what difference does it make who is there and what they think?

A smart woman is not a coward. She knows there is nothing to be afraid of.

Unless - to leave behind a trail of sand.

The most oaky version is a woman who is not very smart, but not completely stupid either. Half in the middle. This one has no doubt that she was created for eternal happiness. We are all created for eternal happiness. And if so, why exchange for momentary desires? Such a woman always has a clear system of values, which she is not smart enough to doubt. Beauty and sex - so simple, desired and sent down from above - are not ends, but only means to achieve comfort and well-being. Eternal. And what else?

When the "golden" middle of the female mind is passed, the situation changes. Sex becomes desirable again. But, be kind, "get it first." It is usually easy to achieve.

In general, imagine an hourglass. At the top - a lot of mind and a lot of sex. In the middle - not really smart, but not at all with sex. Below - just a little bit of mind, but again a lot of sex. Or imagine a parabola if you can.

To be such that a smart woman goes to you without hesitation is my dream. I sincerely admire the men who have achieved this. But then someone (a woman, it seems) tells me with annoyance that wealthy men often choose well-groomed manicurists (oh G-d, there is no such word!) and hairdressers as life partners. Which, according to our classification, are representatives of the "middle class"!

They are the most. They are everywhere. And they are beautiful. Naive. Seductive. When I understand that friendship with such a woman does not interest me (or interests me, but then), I talk about it. Directly or in hints. And often (yes, really often!) a woman immediately begins to look for an excuse to run away.

I don't interfere. And, of course, the next day I'm thinking of calling her. But one question always stops me. What did she, this woman, expect from me? Relationships, children, thirty years of happiness in marriage?

I'm sorry, dear. I don't want to live up to your expectations. Find them another lawyer!

Wait, who am I talking to?

Simpler women always listen with interest. Relations with them are purely commercial. Fortunately, they do not require years of life to be thrown at their feet.

Vesperum sapienti sat!

Now let's get back to our hourglass. No man feels the transience of being the way an intelligent woman feels it. Youth is the end! Beauty is the end! Happiness... Of course! You need to catch the moment before the moment catches you! Therefore, a smart woman always leaves herself time to be happy. Well, how can you not love her?

We all want to be loved! But sometimes the heart is so easily deceived. When you yourself fall in love, you really want reciprocity, so every look and every word of a loved one is given increased importance. It is easy to make a mistake, wishful thinking. You can take a fleeting glance and a smile for something more, or you can not notice a person who really loves you, not daring to show it ... How to understand if he is really in love, or you just want it?

Those eyes are opposite...

People can express love in different ways - someone will play, demonstrating feelings that are not there, and someone will hide them and not dare to show really deep affection. How to understand? Words can deceive, but eyes can't. If a guy does not show concern and prefers to look not at your eyes, but at your legs, his intentions are not serious. You are just another victim for him.

The look of a person who did not expect to see you is especially eloquent. In these first seconds, the eyes will definitely give it away. He can be either indifferent or suddenly enlightened. If he loves you, you will definitely notice it. There will be so much warmth, attention and love in it that you will simply melt. Then he can look away, try to pretend that he does not notice you (if you are not dating yet). His gaze will be drawn to you like a magnet, especially if he thinks you can't see it. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, the look of a man in love cannot be confused with anything!

But! Make no mistake - the eyes can light up with a simple friendly disposition towards you. Be careful not to confuse sincere feelings with the game of a manipulator who will seek eye contact to strengthen the connection with you. There is no love in this look.

Love does not love…

The most important thing is to distinguish serious feelings from simple attention and frivolous flirting (after all, men can flirt with you and a couple of other girls in a day).

He doesn't look at other women. Only on you! The surest sign. If you see that attention is paid to everything in a row - he is just a casanova. Seriously such a person is better not to be taken.

You constantly stumble upon him - either in the store, or near your work, or not far from home. Such accidents do not just happen. He took the trouble to find out where you are, tries to cross paths with you more often! Unless, of course, you just live and work nearby.

Pay attention to small signs of attention, how he behaves with you. For example, whether he gives way, whether he skips ahead. But keep in mind - this is not always a reliable sign. See if this applies only to you or to all girls (maybe he's just a gentleman).

His quickens when he sees you. He is always in high spirits, literally glowing with happiness.

He strives to be constantly in your sight, trying to draw attention to himself.

He pays special attention to his appearance - he definitely wants to please his chosen one!

He freely lets you into his intimate space. Moreover, he himself strives for this. If he doesn't like you, he won't let you get closer than 50 cm.

An important sign of falling in love is the desire of a person to take part in your life, any actions indicating that you are not indifferent to him.

A person in love will definitely take care of you, catch changes in your mood, try to help if something happens.

It is vital for him to constantly see you, to be near. For the sake of you, he is ready to postpone all other affairs and meetings. You are number one for him.

Constantly surprises you, wants to please you, fulfills any desire, even whims.

He opens the soul, speaks of the past. Believe me - for a man this is a serious step!

The lover often agrees with you, always listens carefully.

For your sake, he is ready for exploits. Of course, he is unlikely to fight a fire-breathing dragon (not those times, after all!), but he is ready to change his lifestyle, give up bad habits, give up everything and rush to your aid at the right time.

He remembers all the little things that concern your life. This means that you are very dear to him or he just has a phenomenal memory, and he remembers everything about everyone (but this is rare - usually we remember all the details only about those people who are close to us).

He is generous and caring both materially and spiritually. He will spare no warm words, no time, no attention, no gifts for you. He frankly answers all your questions about the past, present and future. He doesn't flinch and he doesn't flinch. The key to a good relationship is trust and honesty.

It allows you to manage your house - change furniture, make repairs. This is a sign that he doesn't mind letting you into his life. But if there are no other signs of attention, perhaps he simply trusts your taste. And do not rush to rejoice if they just want to use you as a housekeeper. Perhaps he is just too lazy to do the housework himself? What pleasure do you have in washing his clothes and sweeping the floor?

An important step is getting to know family and friends. Of course, there are men who will freely introduce you to all your friends, but most often they do this only when they understand that there is something serious between you and they are ready to declare this to their loved ones, to take on certain kinds of obligations.

Speaking about the future, he uses the word “we”, not “I”, which means he wants to connect his life with you. In his future, he sees you together!

He is not panicked by talking about family and children. He can even turn them on himself, because he sees his companion in you and is ready for a serious step.

He also talks about financial well-being, because it is important for him to show that he is able to provide for his family.

He does not seek to remake you entirely. Loves the way you are. Of course, in a relationship you have to make compromises, but when they start to radically change you, it's more like trying to mold a girl into what he needs. What kind of love are we talking about then?

He never knowingly hurts. He cherishes you, cares, protects. Love and (both physical and spiritual) are incompatible! He cannot indifferently watch how you suffer and cry - he will definitely try to help and dispel the clouds. He's your hero, remember?

Most importantly, listen to your heart. There are many signs of falling in love and seriousness of intentions, but each situation is special. If you are in doubt, do not take single signs of falling in love, otherwise you can be deceived and mistake a simple disposition towards you for falling in love. Look at the big picture! And let your world light up with the colors of love!