The protagonist of this article, as you already understood, is cottage cheese, its benefits and harms to the body, how it affects the health of women and men, whether it is needed for older people and how important it is for children and pregnant women.

Cottage cheese is not an unfamiliar and little-known product, and I think that not only adults, but also children know that it is useful. I'm sure they often hear the following phrase from their parents: "Eat cottage cheese, it's very healthy." So why is it useful?

A little history about cottage cheese

But before we start talking about the benefits and harms of cottage cheese, let's look into the past of this product.

History is silent about how people learned to make cottage cheese, suggest that it was by accident, but this product has been known for a long time. There is a record of Roman scribes dated to the 1st century AD and it said that cottage cheese was a favorite product among different segments of the population.

According to an ancient legend, God Krishna considered cottage cheese a gift from Mother Nature because of the beneficial effect of this product on the human body.

In ancient Russia, they also knew and loved cottage cheese, though they called it cheese, apparently since those times the name of a popular and beloved by many dishes has come to us - syrniki.

Under Peter I, hard cheeses appeared in Russia, and therefore it was necessary to separate the names of products. We borrowed from the Poles and Ukrainians, their version is cottage cheese, but we just changed the emphasis and got the Russian version - cottage cheese. Apparently, therefore, it is not forbidden to emphasize any letter “o”, so feel free to speak the way you are used to, this will not be a mistake.

Where did the word "curd" come from? Experts in this field associate it with the word "create" and there is an explanation for this. After all, before it appears on our table, it must be done, there is even an entry in one old book on nutrition - “curds were made from milk.”

Cottage cheese - benefits for the human body

In order to understand what benefits, and maybe harm, cottage cheese brings to our body, we will evaluate its composition.
Cottage cheese is a product obtained from milk, but not immediately, but in stages. First, curdled milk is made from milk, adding a special lactic ferment to it, and then, by heating, the liquid is separated - whey, and cottage cheese remains, a kind of milk concentrate, which took all the best from it.

The chemical composition of cottage cheese:

  • vitamins A, B, C, D, PP;
  • proteins;
  • enzymes;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates - lactose (milk sugar), galactose;
  • minerals - the main phosphorus, calcium, iron, as well as many others, such as fluorine, zinc, selenium, magnesium, sodium, potassium;
  • hormones.

Nutritional value of cottage cheese:

Well, the composition of cottage cheese is quite impressive, but before talking about the benefits of cottage cheese for humans, I would like to reveal a little information about some of its useful substances.

  • Let's start with the most important nutrient that cottage cheese is rich in - protein. The protein found in cottage cheese is an animal protein, it contains a more complete and balanced composition of essential and non-essential amino acids when compared to vegetable protein sources. Also, vegetable protein during digestion can be accompanied by fermentation, bloating, and the formation of gases. When digesting milk protein, such negative factors do not occur.
  • And now let's compare the proteins of cottage cheese and meat - of course, meat products contain more protein, but it has such a drawback as a longer and more difficult digestion process, and for better absorption it is necessary to add plant foods (greens, fresh vegetables). In its pure form, meat can cause the rapid multiplication of putrefactive bacteria in the digestive tract, which in turn can provoke serious intestinal diseases. Because of the milk protein, such problems do not happen.

Of course, if a person has good health, then such deficiencies in vegetable and meat protein will not cause much discomfort, but for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, with the functioning of the liver and kidneys, this can be a significant disadvantage. Therefore, for such people, cottage cheese will be an excellent source of protein; of all dairy products, it is the easiest to digest.

  • What else is interesting about cottage cheese in terms of the protein it contains. There are proteins (proteins) that are digested for a long time, and there are easily digestible ones. Cottage cheese contains a complex protein, it contains both, so this product can be eaten at any time of the day, you just need to take into account its fat content.
  • Speaking of fats, our body also needs them, you can read about it. The advantage of milk fat is that it is considered easily digestible, it is especially important for people with serious liver diseases to know that cottage cheese will be useful for them, unlike other fatty foods.
  • By the content of carbohydrates - cottage cheese does not go ahead of the rest, it has a fairly low content. But, for example, for people with diabetes, this is a big plus.

Considering the nutritional value of cottage cheese, I have already talked about some of its beneficial properties and positive effects on our body. But this is only a small part of the benefits of cottage cheese.

  1. We have already concluded that the nutrients found in cottage cheese are quite easily absorbed by our bodies. It also helps other foods to be more easily digested, so cottage cheese is good to combine with different foods, even with spicy foods. Cottage cheese is able to neutralize the effect of spicy foods.
  2. If you care about the health of the cardiovascular system of your body, then cottage cheese will help you. It lowers cholesterol, participates in the process of blood formation, thins the blood, normalizes blood pressure, helps strengthen the heart muscle.
  3. Cottage cheese promotes the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, contributes to the overall strengthening of the nervous system, so cottage cheese is an excellent replacement for antidepressants.
  4. The high protein content makes cottage cheese a product that works to improve our immunity, thereby protecting our body from bacteria, viruses, cancer.
  5. Cottage cheese, or rather the beneficial bacteria that it contains, improve the microflora, so it is recommended to eat cottage cheese while taking antibiotics.
  6. The antifungal effect of cottage cheese is used even in the fight against dandruff. To do this, you need to make a mask for the scalp from soft grated cottage cheese, although you need to walk with this mask for at least an hour.
  7. We all know how important calcium is for the body, its deficiency can cause diseases such as rickets, osteoporosis and other diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. But for the formation of a full-fledged skeletal system, phosphorus is also needed. So cottage cheese is rich in both calcium and phosphorus. It also strengthens hair, nails, teeth.
  8. They said about the benefits for the hair, but cottage cheese is also very good for the skin. It is often used in cosmetology for various masks, due to the content of vitamins and trace elements necessary for the skin. For an example, watch one of the cottage cheese masks in the video:

Doctors from different areas recommend including cottage cheese in our diet for heart diseases and gastrointestinal disorders, as well as liver, gallbladder, etc. Do not exclude cottage cheese and nutritionists - low-fat cottage cheese is present in many diets for weight loss and is recommended for fasting days.

As you can see, the benefits of cottage cheese are obvious, and for everyone, regardless of gender and age. But I will still dwell on some of the individual characteristics of cottage cheese.

The benefits of cottage cheese for children

Of course, cottage cheese is very useful for children. The balanced composition of useful substances of cottage cheese makes it an indispensable product of baby food, providing the child's body with harmonious growth and development.

It does not irritate the mucous membrane of the baby's stomach, so they begin to introduce it as complementary foods from the age of 6 months.

Health benefits of cottage cheese for women

  • I have already talked about the antifungal effect of cottage cheese, so it is useful for women, as it can prevent thrush.
  • Pregnant women should definitely include cottage cheese in their diet, it should actually be the No. 1 product, since it contains very important components for the normal development of the fetus, and will also make nutrition complete and without additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract for the woman herself. After all, if, for example, a pregnant woman does not consume dairy products in sufficient quantities, then the child will take the missing substances from the female body, and this will naturally affect the health of the pregnant woman, there may be problems with teeth, brittle bones and other negative effects.
  • At a later age, especially during menopause, women begin to have calcium deficiency, which can lead to problems with the musculoskeletal system, irritability appears - including cottage cheese in your diet can help the body cope with this difficult period in a woman's life.

Health benefits of cottage cheese for men

Cottage cheese contains casein protein, so this product is very popular with athletes, it is slowly broken down in the body, promotes muscle growth.

B vitamins, as well as zinc and selenium, which are part of cottage cheese, contribute to the production of natural testosterone, so it is important for men to include cottage cheese in their diet for normal hormonal levels and male strength.

What is useful cottage cheese for the elderly

  • In addition to the above-mentioned beneficial properties of cottage cheese, which have a beneficial effect on people of any age, I would like to note that cottage cheese helps older people cope with problems associated with high cholesterol.
  • Often in the body of older people milk is not absorbed (lactose intolerance), there is not so much lactose in cottage cheese, so it, unlike milk, is easily absorbed.

Cottage cheese - harm to the body

We learned about the benefits of cottage cheese, whether there is harm from cottage cheese to a person.

Daily maximum rate consumption of cottage cheese for an adult - 200 gr.

Why such a limitation if it is so useful. I never get tired of repeating - every useful product has its own “but”.

  1. The casein protein contained in cottage cheese contributes to the formation of edema, in particular swelling of the joints, and can also cause an autoimmune disease, so it is important to comply with the norm, especially for the elderly.
  2. An excess of animal fats can contribute to clogging of the liver ducts.
  3. Do not take cottage cheese if you are allergic to milk proteins.

The biggest “BUT” of this dairy product is its quality, because our body will benefit only from real cottage cheese, and not from the curd product, which is now so much in our supermarkets.

This concludes my conversation about cottage cheese, about its benefits and harm to the body. I hope the information was interesting and useful for you.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

The first indirect documentary references to cottage cheese can be found in the civilization of Mesopotamia. This product was actively used in ancient Rome. On the territory of Ancient Russia, cottage cheese was called cheese, respectively, any dishes based on it received a root similar in sound.

The name of the product, revered by the Slavs, took root so strongly that it was used for a long period of time even after hard cheeses appeared in everyday life. Modern methods of preservation were not yet known at that time, therefore, cottage cheese was practically not stored unchanged - it was pressed, placed in an oven, and after the moisture came out, it was placed in pots and poured with ghee. In this form, the cellar product could be stored for months.


Cottage cheese consists of a large number of a wide variety of components, the concentration of which strongly depends on the type of cottage cheese and its fat content.

Percentage and component composition:

  1. Water - from 64 to 70 percent;
  2. Proteins - from 14 to 18 percent;
  3. Fats (including saturated and monounsaturated) - from 0.1 to 18 percent;
  4. Carbohydrates (lactose and galactose) - from 1 to 1.5 percent;
  5. Ash - from 1 to 1.2 percent.

Also, cottage cheese contains a number of minerals and vitamins:

  1. Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, PP, C, E, B12, H beta-carotene;
  2. Minerals - sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, selenium, manganese, molybdenum and fluorine;
  3. Replaceable and irreplaceable amino acids - arginine, valine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methiodin, cysteine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, tyrosine, alanine, glycine, proline, serine, aspartic and glutamic acids.

Types of cottage cheese

First of all, cottage cheese is divided according to its consumer properties:

  1. Classical. Has a fat content of 4 to 18 percent;
  2. Non-greasy. Bold version of cottage cheese 1.8 percent;
  3. Fatty. Most often, a home-made non-winnowed product with a fat content of 19 to 23 percent;
  4. Fat-free. Fat is present only in trace amounts, less than 0.1 percent;
  5. Calcined. Cottage cheese, additionally saturated with calcium;
  6. Curd with additives. They are usually nuts, raisins, candied fruits, dried fruits, various jams and preserves.

In addition, the product is also divided according to the method of production:

  1. Classic-traditional. It has two variations - acid and acid-rennet. In the first case, it is prepared from skimmed milk, the coagulation process occurs due to lactic acid and fermentation under the action of starter cultures. The second option is the use of lactic acid bacteria and rennet;
  2. Separated. The base product (pre-refined milk) can be separated to produce skimmed milk and 50–55 percent cream. Next, cottage cheese is produced from the fat-free substrate using acid-rennet coagulation, and after cooling, a small amount of previously obtained cream is added to the finished product.

Another cottage cheese is divided by consistency:

  1. Grain. Classic "home" product;
  2. Pasty. It has an oily texture in the form of a homogeneous mixture.

Calorie content and nutritional value of cottage cheese

The total calorie content of cottage cheese is very much dependent on its fat content. So, the energy value of a dietary product is only 700 kcal per kilogram. Low-fat and bold types have a calorie content of 860 and 1560 kcal / kg, respectively. The energy value of fatty cottage cheese can reach 2260–2500 kcal per kilogram of product.

The mass composition also partly depends on the type of cottage cheese. The typical nutritional value of the most popular and widespread product in terms of 100 grams of weight corresponding to modern GOSTs (bold cottage cheese, 9 percent) is as follows:

  1. Proteins - 18 grams;
  2. Fats - 9 grams;
  3. Carbohydrates - 3 grams;
  4. Water - 67.8 grams;
  5. Ash components - 1 gram;
  6. Dietary fiber - absent.

As mentioned above, depending on the fat content of the cottage cheese and the method of its preparation, the nutritional value can vary between 5-15 percent.

Curd is not just recommended for use, regardless of age and gender, as an extremely useful product in all aspects. Its unique natural composition, as well as many types of products, allows you to introduce a fermented milk product into a number of general and specific diets.

First of all, fat-free cottage cheese is recommended for children from 5 years old, pregnant women and nursing mothers as products rich in calcium and phosphorus salts, essential amino acids - these elements have a beneficial effect on bone growth, as well as the activity of the entire cardiovascular system. In addition, the multicomponent mineral composition will be useful for patients with tuberculosis and anemia, for patients with kidney and liver problems, as it perfectly normalizes metabolic processes and removes excess fluid from the body.

Low-fat types of cottage cheese are often prescribed for gout and obesity, as an alternative to meat and fish, a product that contains proteins in a fairly high concentration. The yeast and acidophilic colonies of bacteria that are part of the cottage cheese have a positive effect on the restoration of the intestinal microflora, respectively, they are suitable for a wide variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (except for dystrophic-systemic ones). Do not forget about the product and those who have problems with bad hair, nails, teeth - the mandatory three meals a day of the above food in its pure form will significantly improve the condition of these body components.

Fat varieties of cottage cheese are an excellent useful and high-calorie source of body recovery after major operations - it is often recommended by nutritionists to anyone who needs a full and enhanced diet.

The vitamin composition of cottage cheese is not as impressive as the mineral one, however, a high concentration of elements of groups B, D allows you to use it as an element of a therapeutic diet in cases of atherosclerosis, as well as a prophylactic against night blindness, problems with the musculoskeletal system, premature aging, a number of other diseases.

Cottage cheese can be used not only for food - creams, ointments, face and body masks are made from it at home, even burns are treated.

Dangerous properties of cottage cheese

In some cases, cottage cheese can be dangerous to human health. We describe the most typical cases:

  1. Uncontrolled use of the product. Cottage cheese (especially its fatty types) is a fairly high-calorie product. The recommended dosage of the first use is 100 grams 3-4 times a week. If you significantly exceed this dosage on an ongoing basis, then the risks of obesity increase, and atherosclerosis may also develop against the background of an increase in cholesterol levels. Also, an excess of calcium can affect the deterioration of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Absolute protein intolerance or oversaturation of the body with it. A number of people may have an absolute intolerance to any protein food - cottage cheese is categorically contraindicated for them. Also, the absence of restrictions on the use of products against the background of a monotonous menu can provoke a change in the balance of protein in the body, which in the first place will greatly affect the kidneys from the negative side.
  3. Prohibition of use in case of serious health problems. Doctors recommend significantly limiting the intake or completely abandoning the use of cottage cheese for food in case of destructive systemic pathologies of the kidneys, liver and gastrointestinal tract in the stage of decompensation. Such patients are prescribed a super-strict diet, and nutrients are introduced mainly by drip.
  4. Best before date. A very commonplace, but common reason for the harm of cottage cheese is the expiration of its shelf life. Being a natural product of animal origin, cottage cheese spoils rather quickly and can be stored for no more than 4-5 days even at a low temperature in the refrigerator. After this period, pathogenic microflora may begin to multiply in the home product, leading to poisoning and even a broad spectrum bacterial infection. Industrial options in aseptic vacuum packaging with preservatives have longer shelf life, but in any case, pay attention to them when purchasing the product. Appropriate expiration dates? It is better to refuse such food or, in extreme cases, give it a thorough heat treatment, making cheesecakes, casseroles or any other dish, but not eating it raw.

How to make homemade cottage cheese?

Most often, cottage cheese at home is made from milk. Below is a classic cooking recipe - relatively simple and effective.

  1. Take a sufficient amount of milk (2-3 liters), pour it into a saucepan, cover with a lid and put it in a warm place for a day so that the primary product turns sour. Optionally, add a few tablespoons of low-fat sour cream to the liquid - this will give the future product a slight sourness;
  2. At the end of the day, make sure that the milk is really sour, then place the pan with the liquid in a large container (if your milk is in a 3-liter container, then you need to place the pan in a 5-liter or 7-liter one), coinciding with original height. Fill the gap between the above dishes with plain water;
  3. Put the "double pan" on a slow fire, then temporarily do not move away from the stove and watch the milk. As it slowly boils, a yellowish liquid will begin to emerge and separation will occur. Turn off the stove immediately and remove our containers from it. A vessel with sour milk after heat treatment must be cooled to room temperature;
  4. Take a large sieve, put gauze in 2 layers on its inner bottom. Use a large spoon to scoop up the substrate from the pot and place it on the cheesecloth. Partially filling the sieve, lift the edges of the gauze from the sides and tie them into a kind of bag - it can be hung by a knot for whey to drain;
  5. After 15–20 minutes, open the "bags" - the product remaining inside is homemade cottage cheese.
  1. Large clots, laid out on a sieve from a pan, are best cut even in a container to a small size, and then placed on gauze;
  2. Carefully monitor the process of boiling sour milk and be sure to wait for the moment of coagulation and the formation of a yellowish liquid, then immediately remove it from the stove. When the substrate is overheated, the cottage cheese will be crayons and crumbly, while underheating it will become sour;
  3. To get the most dense cottage cheese, after laying it out on gauze and tying a knot, put a clean kitchen board on the “bag” and create an additional burden (by placing, for example, a jar of jam);
  4. The whey remaining after the curd preparation procedure can be used to create delicious kvass, jelly or kissel.

Curd from kefir

Cottage cheese can be prepared not only from milk - kefir is often used for this. There are quite a few similar recipes for preparing the above-mentioned product, both by the classical method and forced, by heating on the stove or in the microwave. However, here we will present an alternative option for creating cottage cheese from kefir - by freezing. Suddenly? But it is very simple and effective, moreover, without actually applying any effort.

  1. Place the package with the base product in the freezer, preferably in the evening. By morning, kefir will completely freeze;
  2. In the morning, carefully open the package and place the resulting rectangular bar to thaw on a sieve, which must first be lined with gauze in 2 layers. After 8–10 hours at room temperature, the whey will drain completely, leaving delicious tender cottage cheese on cheesecloth, pasty consistency, very similar in taste to ricotta.

Cottage cheese recipes step by step

In the world over the past millennia, hundreds of the most diverse recipes for cottage cheese dishes have been created - they differ in local characteristics, color, and manufacturing method. Below are the options for classic Eastern European cuisine, the most adapted and in demand in the post-Soviet space.

Syrniki is a classic Slavic dish that could be found on the table of any family that regularly uses dairy and sour-milk products for food. They are healthy, nutritious, easy to prepare, suitable for everyday diet.


  1. Half a kilo of medium-fat cottage cheese;
  2. Three tablespoons of flour;
  3. 2-3 tablespoons of sugar;
  4. Several fresh eggs;
  5. Sunflower oil, 50 grams of raisins, flour.


  1. Rinse and steam the raisins in warm water;
  2. Mix cottage cheese with sugar and carefully rub through a sieve with medium cells;
  3. Add the cooked eggs and 1 cup flour to the mixture. As it should, knead the resulting consistency, then add the raisins and mix thoroughly again;
  4. Prepare a work surface with breading (a thin layer of flour on a board). Lightly moisten your hands and form small cakes from the prepared dough, rolling them in flour;
  5. Leave the prepared cakes for 10 minutes, then roll them again in breading;
  6. Pour a sufficient amount of oil into the pan, heat the dishes over low heat and fry the cakes for 1.5–2 minutes on each side until fully cooked;
  7. Ready cheesecakes are served hot, if necessary, sour cream is added to them in a separate bowl.
  1. Fry the cakes until a golden crust forms, preferably covering the pan with a lid - so the cheesecakes will turn out juicy and soft;
  2. Do not use a lot of breading - this will spoil the taste of the final product;
  3. The dough should be thick, not sticky to the hands and look like a classic curd mass;
  4. Fresh dry cottage cheese is suitable for cheesecakes - so their taste will be perfect.

Cottage cheese casserole is an ancient Slavic version of British pudding and Italian lasagna, a tasty, healthy and relatively easy-to-prepare dish that is equally loved by both old and young.


  1. 300 grams of cottage cheese;
  2. 4 tablespoons of semolina;
  3. ½ cup sour cream 15% fat;
  4. 2 eggs;
  5. 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  6. 100 grams of raisins;
  7. 1 sachet of baking powder;
  8. A pinch of vanillin;
  9. ¼ teaspoon salt, vegetable oil.


  1. Wash and steam the raisins in warm water;
  2. Mix semolina with sour cream and set aside for 15 minutes;
  3. Put cottage cheese, a mixture of semolina and sour cream, vanillin, the contents of 1 sachet of baking powder and salt into a container, then mix thoroughly, you can use a blender. The output should be a pasty mixture without lumps;
  4. Pour pre-beaten eggs with sugar into the mixture (they should have a thick, stable foam) and mix gently;
  5. Add prepared raisins and stir again;
  6. Lubricate the baking dish with oil, sprinkle it with semolina;
  7. Pour the mixture into the mold, then put the workpiece in the oven at 180 degrees and bake for ¾ hours;
  8. Take out the casserole, let it cool a little to a warm state, then cut the dish and arrange it on plates;
  9. Cottage cheese casserole served warm with sour cream.
  1. Choose only homemade cottage cheese for the dish;
  2. Do not use flour - there is semolina to replace it. With it, the casserole will retain its magnificent forms and will be as tasty as possible;
  3. Observe the temperature regime. If your oven cannot maintain a constant temperature of 180 degrees, then you will have to be at the oven and vary the temperature so that the bottom layer of the dish does not burn, and the top is baked enough.

Cheesecake is a relatively new name for Russia, borrowed from American cuisine. This term usually means a cheese-containing dessert, but in our case, homemade cottage cheese is used instead of the classic Philadelphia hard cheese.

It is noteworthy that this dish is not originally American, but came to the country from old Europe - cheesecakes were first cooked in ancient Greece (the athletes of those times were fed delicious desserts at the Olympics).


  1. For cream - ½ kilogram of homemade fatty cottage cheese, 100 grams of 35 percent cream, 150 grams of sugar, 5 yolks and 4 proteins, a tablespoon of flour and jam with powdered sugar for serving;
  2. For the dough - 170 grams of flour, 1 egg, 100 grams of chilled creamy margarine, 50 grams of powdered sugar and a little salt.


  1. Three margarine on a fine grater, adding salt and flour to it;
  2. We put powdered sugar and the contents of the egg into the mixture, after which we gently knead the dough;
  3. We wrap the resulting dough in a film and place it in the refrigerator for ½ hour;
  4. We wipe the cottage cheese through a fine sieve;
  5. Separate the yolks and proteins;
  6. Add the yolks to the curd mass, 1 each, slowly beating with a mixer, after which we report the flour and sugar, also mixing thoroughly and slowly. The last step in working with the mixer is adding cream to the consistency;
  7. In a separate bowl, beat the whites and mix the finished mix with our curd mass;
  8. We roll out the chilled dough with a thin layer (no more than 4 millimeters), after which we lay it in the mold;
  9. Gently spread the cream on the dough;
  10. Turn on the oven at 170 degrees and bake for 40 minutes;
  11. Reduce to 150 degrees and bake for another 20 minutes;
  12. The last stage is 150 degrees and 12 minutes;
  13. Leave the cheesecake in the oven with the door open for 1 hour;
  14. Cut, serve with powdered sugar / jam, serve a dish at room temperature.
  1. Follow the instructions exactly, especially in terms of volume and weight of ingredients;
  2. Bake carefully, gradually lowering the temperature, as stated in the instructions - so the cheesecake will become ruddy, will not burn or crack;
  3. You can decorate the finished dish not only with jam or powdered sugar - liquid chocolate, syrup and even marmalade are also suitable.

Sometimes you want to dilute the gray everyday life and pamper your family with something tasty, but you don’t have the strength and desire for a gastronomic masterpiece that lasts for many hours. The way out can be cottage cheese cookies - very tender, nutritious and also easy to prepare.


  1. 200 grams of bold cottage cheese;
  2. 100 grams of butter (not spread!);
  3. 1 full glass of flour;
  4. 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  5. ¼ teaspoon of soda;
  6. Vegetable oil.


  1. Thoroughly rub the cottage cheese, using a sieve with small cells for this;
  2. Melt the butter, cool it and add to the curd mass, adding flour with soda and kneading the dough;
  3. Wrap the dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for two hours;
  4. Roll small balls from the dough no larger than an average walnut, form them into cakes and bread in sugar, folding the products with a “bud” - the output should be “triangles”;
  5. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, grease with oil, put the liver on it and bake at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes;
  6. Cool cookies until warm and serve.
  1. After cooking, cookies can be decorated with powdered sugar;
  2. Products are suitable for both simple home tea drinking and for treating guests;
  3. Despite the abundance of delicious ingredients, the calorie content of such a liver is relatively low, so you can safely use 5-6 pieces for your pleasure without harm to the figure.

Useful video

Live healthy - Cottage cheese: useful properties

Probably everyone knows that cottage cheese is one of the most useful fermented milk products. In addition to excellent taste, cottage cheese has many healing and healing properties for the body. The unique properties of cottage cheese are due to the manufacturing technology of this product. In the process of making cottage cheese, the most valuable components are extracted from milk - easily digestible protein and milk fat.

It is very important that there are no purines in cottage cheese, unlike meat and fish, therefore cottage cheese is recommended for elderly people who have impaired purine metabolism.

Cottage cheese promotes the formation of hemoglobin in the blood and the normalization of the nervous system, cottage cheese is recommended for the prevention of metabolic diseases.

Cottage cheese improves the regenerative capacity of the nervous system, strengthens bone and cartilage tissue.

Cottage cheese is curdled, "curdled" milk protein separated from whey. Moreover, this protein is the most tender and easily digestible. Nine tablespoons of cottage cheese completely cover the daily requirement of an adult for protein. And even if the cottage cheese is fat-free, it still contains a lot of calcium, which makes it indispensable in dietary nutrition. To reduce weight, you can arrange curd fasting days: per day it is supposed to eat 400 ~ 600 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 60 g of sour cream, 50-100 ml of milk with tea or coffee, 1-2 cups of rosehip broth - all this for four meals. You can also arrange mixed curd-kefir days, consuming 6 times a day, 150 g of kefir and 3 times a day, 100 g of fat-free cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese is an excellent lean source of protein, calcium and vitamin B12. Cottage cheese contains high-quality protein necessary for the growth and repair of body tissues, and calcium, a mineral that strengthens bones and prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Cottage cheese is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, as it contains choline and methionine, for the formation of bone tissue, as it contains calcium and phosphorus salts. Cottage cheese is very useful for people suffering from heart and kidney diseases, as calcium ensures the removal of fluid from the body. The beneficial properties of cottage cheese are necessary to maintain proper metabolism and prevent obesity, to prevent anemia, since the minerals in its composition are involved in the production of hemoglobin.

Cottage cheese is a perishable product, so it must be stored in the refrigerator, and the shelf life should not exceed 2-3 days.

On impact, injury, swelling: 2 tbsp. spoons of natural cottage cheese mixed with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Apply as a compress for 48 hours.

In case of burns: apply slightly warm cottage cheese to the burnt place. Do 2-3 times a day.

But despite all the listed beneficial properties of cottage cheese, remember that everything is good in moderation, and cottage cheese is no exception to the rule. Do not consume more than 200 g of cottage cheese per day, as cottage cheese contains a sufficient amount of animal fats, which contribute to clogging of the hepatic ducts. And try to eat low-fat varieties of cottage cheese.

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Even in ancient times, people knew about the benefits of cottage cheese, which in Russia was called cheese. Modern scientists have proven that the properties of this product are due to its composition. When curd, which is curdled milk separated from whey, is cooked, milk fat and protein are released.

Protein is a building material for the human body, for the formation of muscle, bone and other tissues in the human body, therefore, women also need to comply with the norms for protein intake. To adhere to this norm, it is enough to eat only 300 grams of cottage cheese per day, while it is not necessary to consume meat or eggs.

Curd contains proteins such as choline, casein and methionine, which are excellent substitutes for other proteins of animal origin.

In the process of curdling, milk protein becomes easier for digestion by gastric juice enzymes, so curd is better absorbed than milk. Experiments show that less is allocated for the processing of cottage cheese in the stomach than for the breakdown of milk or kefir.

Minerals, which are part of cottage cheese, are also beneficial for the body. Calcium promotes the growth and strengthening of bones, cartilage and teeth, this mineral is necessary for diseases of the heart, kidneys, rickets,. Also, cottage cheese has a lot of potassium, which has a positive effect on the work of the heart, magnesium, which is necessary for the functioning of cells and nervous tissue, sodium, iron, chlorine, phosphorus.

B vitamins in cottage cheese play an important role in metabolism and protect against atherosclerosis, vitamin C improves immunity, vitamin A increases visual acuity. Amino acids are a good prophylactic against liver diseases. Also, cottage cheese is included in the composition of diets for diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, respiratory system, heart and blood vessels. It regulates the level of hemoglobin in the blood, reduces inflammation on the skin, eliminates pain in the joints.

Is cottage cheese harmful?

It is not always and not for everyone to eat cottage cheese. It contains quite a lot of fat, so people suffering from excess weight or high cholesterol levels in the blood are advised to eat fat-free cottage cheese. Such a product has the same amount of nutrients, but its fat content is reduced from 18 or 15% to 1.8 or 1%. It saturates the body, brings a large amount of nutrients, but has few calories, so it is ideal for diet food.

But healthy people with normal cholesterol levels can also eat regular fatty cottage cheese, the amount of fat in its composition is not harmful.

Also, you can not use this product for diseases associated with calcium metabolism in the body. It is undesirable to eat cottage cheese mass or curds with sugar and flavorings in the composition, especially for those who have high blood sugar levels. To make the taste more pleasant, you can add slices of banana, apple, dried fruit. After the expiration date, cottage cheese can lead to indigestion.

Cottage cheese is one of the most popular fermented milk products. It is an indispensable component of the diet of people of all ages. Its beneficial properties have been of interest to man since ancient Rome.

There are so many medicinal properties of this product that we can rightfully consider it unique.

What are the harms and benefits of cottage cheese, is it useful to eat it every day, than the usual one is healthier than fat-free, when is it better to use it - in the morning for breakfast, during the day or at night? Let's figure it out!

Beneficial features

For men

The benefits of this fermented milk product for men are also obvious, because protein. This is true for active strength exercises.

The use of cottage cheese has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps to cope with stress and overload.

Dairy products are good for potency, therefore, must be present on the table of any man.

For kids

In the first years of life, protein acts as a building material for the child's body, therefore cottage cheese is indispensable in baby food.

Minerals, in which it is so rich, contribute to the growth and strengthening of bones and teeth.

Lactic acid bacteria help to form microflora, local immunity.

Babies who are breastfed curds should be given starting at 9 months. If your baby is formula fed, you can start at 7 months.

Complementary foods start with one teaspoon, daily increasing the portion.

What is useful for pregnant and lactating

What are the benefits of cottage cheese during pregnancy? While carrying a child, the expectant mother gives the child vitamins and calcium, the lack of which adversely affects her body.

Therefore, pregnant women need to eat cottage cheese. Its use has a positive effect on the development of the fetus.

However, from him will have to be abandoned if the child has an allergic reaction.

The program “Live healthy!” tells about the dangers and benefits of cottage cheese for the body:

We eat right

Let's try to answer the most common questions: which cottage cheese is the most useful - fat-free or fatty, when is it more useful to eat it - in the morning, in the evening or at night?

The most useful fresh cottage cheese. Casseroles, cheesecakes, and other dishes also contain vitamins, but some of the lactic acid bacteria, proteins and amino acids die during heat treatment.

Do not abuse glazed curds, sweet curd masses, curds with additives. They will not bring benefits, and high calorie content will affect the figure.

Cottage cheese will benefit both breakfast and dinner, but do not eat it later than 2 hours before bedtime. If you like more fat, then eat it in the morning - it will bring more benefits.

Contraindications, precautions

Harm is determined by individual intolerance or stale product. Intolerance refers to the inability to digest the lactose found in dairy products.

In such people, the use of lactose causes diarrhea, pain, and bloating.

Cottage cheese can also cause a similar reaction in a healthy person who has consumed a stale product, since it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria.

Big risk to buy on the market: it may contain E. coli. Especially if you choose a fermented milk product for a child.

For an adult, 100-200 g per day is enough three times a week. Excessive consumption can sometimes adversely affect the liver and blood vessels.

This dairy product often causes allergic reactions, which manifest themselves in the form of a rash on the skin, runny nose, tearfulness, and sometimes swelling of the skin.

Cosmetic use

Cottage cheese is not only a food product. It is used to make creams and masks that help fight the following problems:

  • dry skin, peeling;
  • inflammation, black dots;
  • wrinkles, pigmentation.

For intense hydration and cleansing from dead cells prepare such a mask: 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese are rubbed with half a teaspoon of honey and.

The skin needs to be cleansed first. Then apply the mask in several layers, taking 5 minutes between applications.

After the last layer has dried, rinse off the mask with cool water, apply a nourishing cream.

To get rid of freckles, mix the main ingredient with lemon juice and yolk and hold on your face for 10 minutes.

Mask helps fight acne with the addition of herbs, egg white, honey and lemon juice.

In folk medicine such a useful product is also used. To make the burn go faster, warm cottage cheese is applied to the sore spot three times a day. A compress with the addition of honey works well for bruises.

Varieties of cottage cheese diets for weight loss

Curd diets are very effective. They are easily tolerated, characterized by good results and lack of hunger.

Here are some ways to lose weight.

Curd-kefir diet. The daily diet consists of 500 g fat-free cottage cheese and 2 glasses. Food is divided into 5 meals. You can drink water, tea without sugar. Duration - 3 days.

Per day, it is allowed to eat 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese with the addition of bran, brewed in boiling water. You can eat berries, fruits and vegetables. In the morning and evening, a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk is allowed. Observed 5-7 days.

Cottage cheese diets with the addition to the diet are popular, eggs, yogurt, or. On average, a mono-diet helps to lose 500 g of excess weight per day.

About what can be a diet during pregnancy for weight loss, in our publication.

Everything you would like to know about the low-calorie and low-carbohydrate Japanese diet, in another material.

  • the consistency should be loose, homogeneous, and the color should be white or cream;
  • look at the expiration date;
  • give preference to plastic containers, which guarantee protection against bacteria, extend the shelf life.
  • Purchased cottage cheese is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees. It is advisable to transfer it to a plastic or enamel bowl with a tight-fitting lid.

    Homemade stored in foil or parchment and no more than 3 days.

    When the product is hard, dry, or yellow, has a bitter or sour taste, it is expired, you should not eat it.

    To extend the shelf life, the product can be frozen. It will not lose its beneficial properties within a week. If the expiration date ends, make cheesecakes, casseroles, dumplings or pancakes from the leftovers.

    Cooking at home

    A quality product is obtained from natural homemade milk. Purchased pasteurized is not suitable, you need to find fresh whole.

    First you need to wait for the souring of milk. To do this, add a crust of black bread or a couple of tablespoons of good sour cream to it and leave it for a day in a warm place.

    Average From three liters of milk you can get about 1 kg crumbly useful substance.

    When milk turns sour, thick lumps form on the surface, the milk is poured into a saucepan and put on fire. Heat the resulting yogurt for 10-15 minutes to separate the whey.

    Remove the pan from the heat, discard the contents in a colander or cheesecloth, folded in several layers. Wait for all the serum to drain. This takes several hours.

    You can enjoy a delicious and fresh fermented milk product. By eating fresh cottage cheese several times a week, you will forget about many diseases.. And the variety of dishes that can be prepared from this valuable product will greatly diversify your daily menu.

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