• The problem of maintaining oneself in good physical shape is relevant today more than ever. The motor activity of most people leaves much to be desired. We managed to arrange our lives in such a way that we do not need to take a single extra step, and all this negatively affects our health. We gain weight and lose stamina.

    In addition, now more than ever, attention is focused on a beautiful and elastic body. There are few lucky people who have amazing natural data, the vast majority of people are forced to exercise regularly in order to maintain their bodies in proper shape. And someone even prefers to brush aside the problem of lack of physical activity and excess weight. Many refer to the fact that there is no time to play sports or going to the gym is an additional expense that they do not want to bear.

    However, if you still want to keep your body in order, then there is a fairly simple way out of this situation - to make a gym at home with your own hands. Then you will be able to practice at any time convenient for you absolutely free of charge: there is a free minute - immediately on the simulator. At the same time, you can watch TV, listen to music, read at the same time. Some even manage to build a special laptop stand near their simulator in order to work, surf the Internet and communicate on social networks while playing sports.

    You can start equipping your home gym with a bicycle, because so many people love this two-wheeled mode of transport. A home exercise bike from an old or idle bicycle is a very economical and at the same time effective device for exercising at home. And all because you can easily make such an exercise bike with your own hands. But how to still convert your old bike - you will learn from this article.

    Before you start making an exercise bike, it is worth noting that cycling is extremely favorable for our cardiovascular system, and in fact, heart and vascular diseases are in the first place in terms of prevalence among diseases that cause death. In addition, the exercise bike contributes to the fact that we waste the extra calories eaten, so advice: make an exercise bike, improve your health and lose weight with your miracle device!

    What materials will we need?

    This is how our exercise bike will look after all the necessary work has been done:

    So, we suggest you make a do-it-yourself home workout device based on an old or idle bike. In addition, we need the following materials:

    • plywood;
    • PVC pipes.

    At the heart of our do-it-yourself exercise bike project is a roller device. We have to make rollers from pipes, as an alternative, you can use wooden logs. The optimal diameter is from 10 to 15 centimeters.

    Here is what the bike rack looks like in our DIY exercise bike project:

    In the picture you can see the approximate dimensions of the frame, but adapt these dimensions to the model of your bike.

    We prepare videos

    It is necessary to insert roller bearings equipped with axles into the ends of the rollers. These axles should be fixed in racks.

    Please note that rollers for a bike-based trainer can be light or heavy. Which videos to put - the choice is yours. If you want to do strength training, then give your preference to an exercise bike with heavy rollers, light rollers will allow you to pedal at high speed.

    In case you don't have roller bearings, alternatively, you can make holes of the right size in blocks of wood, and then pass metal axles through these holes, reaching about 1.8-2 centimeters in diameter, and firmly fix the axles in the racks.

    Such rollers need special care: they should be regularly lubricated with technical petroleum jelly or grease.

    The optimal diameter of the PVC pipe for the exercise bike is 7.5-10 centimeters. Given the size of the pipe, cut out the plywood inserts. These inserts are needed in order to fix the bearings and make the PVC pipes more durable.

    An important point: limiters must be glued to the pipes, as in the picture. This is done for the front wheel of our exercise bike.

    Making a frame

    The frame for the exercise bike must be strong, so it must be made of solid wood or plywood.

    In the picture you can see how to make clamps for rotating elements.

    Additional elements for the convenience of an exercise bike

    The exercise bike also needs a drive belt. It should be sewn from a dense material in accordance with the roller under the front wheel of the bicycle. Such a belt is needed in order to make it easier to keep balance, in addition, it will allow you to increase the load, that is, it will help you achieve one of the goals set at the beginning of the article: "lose weight with an exercise bike."

    For convenience, you can also make footrests. They may look something like the picture.

    To increase the load during training on a stationary bike, you can make paddles on wheels, as in the picture below (such blades will create additional air resistance), or you can make a simple brake device on rotating PVC pipes based on felt.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a homemade simulator

    The main advantage of a do-it-yourself bicycle-based simulator is, of course, its low cost. However, in addition to this, a homemade exercise bike has a number of disadvantages:

    • a home-made device will “crush” more space for yourself in your home;
    • a homemade exercise bike wears out much faster than the corresponding device from the store;
    • there is always a risk that your machine will tip over;
    • the seat of a homemade simulator will be high enough - and this is not very convenient;
    • a homemade exercise bike creates much more noise than its store counterpart, which can be a problem at home;
    • at a homemade simulator you will not be able to quickly change the load at any time;
    • A homemade exercise bike will not tell you how many calories you have burned, it will not be able to show your speed and pulse, which means it will be difficult to control the load during a workout.

    If you have ever worked out on an exercise bike in the gym before, then you will definitely feel the difference between a simulator assembled by your own hands and made by specialists. In addition, if you are in good physical shape, then a homemade exercise bike is not suitable for you, since you will have to do very long workouts to stay in shape.

    But in general, an exercise bike is, of course, a useful thing. Finally, we recommend that you watch the training video.

    A slender, toned figure is the goal and dream of many people. Regardless of the season in the yard, many people regularly have the same thought in their heads: “Lose weight!”. There are many reasons for this: New Year, birthday, vacation, March 8, a trip to the sea or an amazing dress in the window, which is clearly not in size. Regularly, a month before each of these events, we set ourselves the goal of losing weight, but in conditions of constant employment, this is not very successful.

    Exercise bike based on a Salute bike on homemade rollers

    It is known that an effective and quick way to make your figure fit and slim is cycling. But cycling is good in the warm season, but what about in winter or rainy autumn? You can buy an exercise bike in a specialized sports store, or you can make an exercise bike with your own hands. This will allow you to play sports in your free time in the apartment, on the balcony, in front of the TV, and you yourself will not notice how you lose weight.

    Homemade exercise bike can be installed anywhere

    A simple and economical way out is to make an exercise bike with your own hands from a bicycle. Making it is easy enough. There are two most common and relatively simple ways.

    Exercise bike on a stand

    The first way is an exercise bike from a bicycle on a special stand that will not allow the wheels to touch the floor. To do this, for each wheel on both sides you need to install boards, the height of which must exceed the radius of the wheel. A semicircle is cut in the planks from the top in the center, special pegs are installed on it, which are sold in the store, like other spare parts for exercise bikes. They are screwed to the wheel and mounted on a stand. For stability, the stand should have a fairly wide base, it will not be superfluous to use metal corners.

    Scheme and elements of an exercise bike on a stand

    You can simplify the process by removing the front wheel and attaching the bike to a special fork.

    Exercise bike on a roller track

    The second method is more laborious, but for experienced craftsmen it does not present significant problems.

    In addition, classes on such an exercise bike are more effective, as they are closer to natural conditions, and you will soon lose weight.

    Rollerblade exercise bike in the hallway

    This method consists in making a roller track for an exercise bike. As in the previous version, one wheel (rear) can be used, or both can. If you want to make a roller trainer for one wheel, then the front wheel is removed, the front of the bike is mounted on a special stand, and a special box is made for the rear wheel, in which two rollers are fixed. The rollers must be strong, you can take wooden ones, or you can take pieces of a metal pipe, the squeeze rollers of an old washing machine will do (if anyone has them). By turning the pedals, you set the wheel in motion, which sets the rollers in motion (gears in mechanisms work according to this principle).

    Roller part of a homemade exercise bike

    A more difficult option is to build a two-wheeled exercise bike yourself. To do this, the frame must be half a meter longer than the bike. Two rollers are also installed for the rear wheel, and one for the front. You can fix the bike itself, then you get a semblance of a stationary exercise bike; if you want to lose weight and constantly train the skills of balancing and maintaining balance, you can not fix the bike. The bicycle before the start of classes is installed so that the front wheel is on the roller. Leaning your hand against a wall or a nearby chair, start pedaling, trying to achieve balance (falls are also possible).

    Ready rollers for exercise bike

    The advantages of this model are that the load is regulated by changing the ease of rotation of the rollers.

    But get ready for the fact that a homemade exercise bike can have a number of disadvantages:

    • it will take up a lot of space;
    • it will not be as stable and safe as factory exercise bikes;
    • you will not be able to change the load, regulate the speed of movement, control the “mileage” and the state of your own body.

    Exercise bike on a finished stand

    Whether these shortcomings will cover the main advantage of a homemade exercise bike - its economy, is an individual question. But if desired and the right approach, an excellent result is possible in the form of a noticeably thinner figure.

    Lord officers. In winter, in some regions of our globe, prolonged rains occur, and in winter in some places the temperature is -40 ... -50, every day you will not drive for hours on the street, but you need to train if you are an athlete. As a compromise option - buy an exercise bike. In my case, the living space does not allow to put an exercise bike in the room, and pulling the bike out of the house is painful and long even on a sunny day. Even if there is finance for the purchase of a mega-advanced one, they all have an uncomfortable fitness fit (like on the Kama) with an ugly vertical rudder-horns. That is, a bicycle will definitely be used for training (3 bicycles are already hanging on the wall + buying an exercise bike is already too much)

    There are also portable, so to speak, attachments to the bike.

    1. In the second case, the bike is fixed steadily, we simply load the rear wheel and at any moment we can straighten up and give ourselves a break (pedaling does not stop for a second on a roller machine). But there is one bad moment. Since the load is constantly applied to the rear wheel, as soon as we stop pedaling, the wheel immediately stops. That is, there is no simulation of a bicycle ride in principle. It's just burning calories...

    Please note that in the second video the machine has wheel inertia![I] How the hell *?!

    I will make the simplest version in the form of an inverted stool (you can sit on it the rest of the time). Inspired by a TV show ">

    So that's the question: what method of loading the rear wheel should be used so that there is a load and the wheel does not stop when the pedaling stops?
    And also your homemade exercise bikes in the studio!

    Many bike owners use it not only as a means of transportation, but also as one of the ways to keep fit. This method has been used for a long time, while no one doubts its effectiveness. We will not dispute the fact that cycling through the countryside or along the streets is quite useful.

    But enjoying such walks is not always possible, since this requires warm and not rainy weather. Yes, and a bike breakdown can nullify all attempts to ride. There are moments when you want to work out, but there is no desire to go outside. To do this, you can use an exercise bike, but not everyone has the opportunity to purchase it. In this case, you can collect .

    Types of exercise bikes

    To date, several types of such devices have been developed. But for independent production, only two options are suitable. One of them is much easier to assemble the second. If there is no knowledge about the design of bicycles and simulator structures, it is advisable to invite a friend who understands this matter.

    Stand trainer

    The design of such a machine is quite simple to assemble and convenient. To build it, you need to acquire some materials:
    metal corners;
    self-tapping screws;

    The first step is to cut out a couple of pieces from the board, which should be slightly larger than the radius of the wheel in size. Then, at the ends in the middle, you need to make a cut in the form of a semicircle. Of the size must be sufficient to ensure a secure fastening of the peg. They can be purchased at socialized stores at a low price. They are attached to the frame of the bike, and the wheel is mounted on them.

    To give the base of the machine strength and stability, it is necessary to use a metal corner. The front wheel must be removed, and the fork must be fixed on a duralumin stand. A wooden structure is being built only for the rear wheel, on which the pegs will rest. Such a simulator is easy to build and not high in price.

    Assembly of the simulator

    The first step is to make a base from the board. The thickness of the bar must be at least 20 mm. A thick board should be used for the extension. You can connect them together with glue or a metal corner. You can also use plywood triangles. The entire structure must be reinforced with metal platforms. Also, do not forget about the stiffeners, which can be made from aluminum corners.

    A couple of holes must be made in the racks, and then bent 20 degrees. Other posts are bent 60 degrees and have one hole. The front wheel must be removed, and the rear mount slightly loosened. The design of the simulator will be attached to it, after which the nuts can be tightened. The stand with extension serves as a stand for the front fork. All racks at the ends should be reinforced with additional nuts.

    But this design does not give any effect, since the wheels spin easily. To create a load, it is necessary to install rollers under the wheel. For fastening the rollers, it is desirable to use strips with longitudinal slots. You can add a load by building a special brake. To assemble it, you need a hose, a sinker, a roller, a pair of crossbars, a holder.

    One of the crossbars must be fixed on the wheel fork. A screw should be threaded into the holes in them, due to which the holder will be installed. After that, a rod is inserted into it and fastened with a screw.

    This will be the axis. A roller with a longitudinal
    a cut to which the weight clings. This will create pressure on it, thereby pressing against the wheel, which will create additional load. To accelerate to high speed, you will have to make a lot of effort.


    In addition to the fact that such an exercise bike does not require special financial investments, it also has a small mass. This allows you to freely transfer it to any room for training.

    For a bicycle station, you can adapt not only an old bicycle, but also newer models. And in the summer, collect a bike and ride on the street. In any case, such simulators still have a positive effect on the state of the body, although they are ineffective compared to street walks, but this is better than nothing.


    While it has some advantages, it also has some disadvantages. One of them is instability. If the creation of such a machine is intended for weight loss, it is worth considering that it is not designed for heavy people. Pegs can break off and harm not only the bike, but also the person.

    At the same time, such a simulator has a low efficiency. Many fans of bike racks will not appreciate it. A special simulator makes it possible to change the load, which is not on a home-made invention, as a result of which a very low efficiency is obtained.

    In addition, not everyone is able to assemble such a structure with their own hands, without having a technical education.

    driving path

    This version of the exercise bike is much more difficult to self-design, but has a more attractive appearance. Initially, you need to make a frame for the rollers on which the rear wheel will rest. They can be made from any material, but in order to enhance the effect of the simulator, it is recommended to make them from a metal pipe, since it is much more difficult to give them movement.

    Often two rollers are used for the rear, and one for the front. For this, spin parts of Soviet washing machines are perfect, as they are rubber and have good grip.

    Each roller is mounted on a bearing, which in turn is attached to the frame of the simulator. You can also make bike pegs to make it easier to get on it. After that, it is necessary to connect the front wheel roller and the one closest to it are connected with a belt.

    Such a simulator allows you to adjust the load. To do this, you need to install a coupler between the rear rollers. To increase the load, it is necessary to tighten the nuts, and loosen them to reduce it.

    Or any other place where the bike winters. Such physical activity will allow you to keep fit at a time of the year when it is already cold to ride a bicycle.

    Among other things, such a simulator is an excellent simulator of real cycling. Two wheels also turn here, you need to keep your balance and concentrate in general. This allows not only to play sports, but also to have a mental rest, as happens when riding a bike.
    The balance on the bike can be maintained in a standing state due to the fact that both wheels rotate on the bike.

    Materials and tools for homemade:
    - two-inch PVC pipes 40;
    - bearings from a skateboard (can be bought at a skateboard store);
    - 4" x 5/6" hex bolts;
    - hex nuts (5/6");
    - two-inch plumbing cover and female threaded coupling;
    - spoon drill 7/8";
    - 5/8" drill;
    - epoxy resin;
    - drill;
    - hacksaw;
    - wooden boards or timber to create the frame of the simulator and more.

    The manufacturing process of the simulator:

    Step one. Making rotating cylinders
    For the manufacture of rotating cylinders, the author used polyvinyl chloride, for this, two-inch PVC 40 tubes came up, which were shortened to 24 inches. To make the end caps, you need skateboard bearings, which can be purchased for about two dollars.

    Starting with the plumbing cover, the inside of the cover needs to be reamed with a 7/8" spoon drill bit, resulting in a 22mm OD bearing being inserted into it. hard.
    Next, you need to drill holes in the plugs with a 5/8" drill for the hex nut and bolt.

    The bearing is mounted inside the square hole and fixed with epoxy resin. It must be carefully distributed around the bearing so that it does not get inside the bearing itself. Also, the resin should not get on the bolt head or nut, they should rotate freely. If the resin got into unwanted places, then after drying it can be scraped off, but it is best to prevent this.

    The resin dries for 24 hours. After that, you need to insert a bolt from the inside and tighten the nut firmly on the other side. To finally tighten the nut, the author inserts a screwdriver between the nut and the plastic cover. To prevent the nuts from unwinding under the action of torque, glue for threaded connections must be applied to the threads.

    After the bolt is installed, the assembly must be screwed into the coupling and glued at both ends. Then you need to glue the plastic cover to the coupling, or you can use the set screw, as the author did. If this is not done, the cover on the right side under the action of torque may unscrew. The screw connection is good because if there is a problem with the bearings, the structure can always be disassembled.

    Step two. Assembling the frame of the exercise bike
    The cheapest way to assemble an exercise bike frame is from wood. You need to proceed from what is the distance between the axles of the bike. The author has a road bike, the distance between the axles is 39.5 ". As a result, adding a few inches, it turned out 41", which corresponds to the distance from the front cylinder to the middle of the two rear ones, the distance between which is 11 inches. Well, as a result, the distance between the front and rear cylinders should be 46.5".

    Based on 24" tubing length, I made two crossbars 2" x 4" x 29". Frame length was not measured.
    The bars need to be cut and holes drilled in them for three rotating cylinders. The holes in the bars must be at the same distance, otherwise the cylinders will be crooked. To do this, before drilling, the bars must be combined. From the top of the bars, you need to retreat about one inch, this will allow the cylinders not to deliver the floor surface and be slightly above the surface of the frame.

    Step three. The final stage of assembly. Gym belt
    The belt in the system is needed in order to transmit rotation from the rear wheel to the front. This will help you keep your balance on the bike. The belt was purchased for $4. A ratchet is not required to install the belt, it is installed directly on the tubes. To get the right tension, the belt needs to be shortened, the author cut off a piece of about 0.25 ". The tension should not be too strong, as this will create excessive friction. But the tension must be, otherwise the belt will slip, and as a result the front wheel will not rotate.